








全球贸易对国际政治和世界经济具有重大影响。当前阶段的世界经济,即新自由主义资本主义,已经塑造了全球政治和世界贸易。国际关系在日常生活中的重要性是不可否认的,它不仅可以考察国家之间的关系,还可以考察全球事件和问题的更广泛背景。国际政治经济学已成为一个新的研究领域,突出了世界经济的政治维度。 此外,十九世纪上半叶蒸汽动力的引入彻底改变了全球贸易,并实现了更大的流动性和货物交换。当今时代,全球价值链已成为国际政治经济的核心特征。全球价值链使企业能够分解其生产流程并将其分配到不同的国家,从而导致国家和企业之间的相互依赖增加。国际贸易对世界经济的影响是不可否认的,大多数专家都认为它提高了全球经济福利。然而,政治家和政治机构在制定贸易政策方面的相对重要性不容忽视。了解世界经济的政治对于政策制定者和学者来说至关重要,因为它可以更好地了解国际贸易如何影响国际政治和全球经济整体。



国际经济组织是政府间机构,旨在管理国家之间的经济、金融和货币关系。国际贸易是直接影响国家间经济关系的最重要问题之一。各国政府设立了专门的国际组织来规范国家之间日益增强的经济联系。这种通过常设专门机构解决国际问题的方法可能会继续下去。第二次世界大战以来,国际经济组织的数量显着增加。主要的国际经济组织有国际货币基金组织、世界银行和世界贸易组织。这些组织有自己的规则和法规来管理其运营。这些组织的有效性取决于其成员的尊重及其对组织决策的遵守。因此,这些组织内决策的方式对成员对决策的遵守具有直接和即时的影响。例如,世界银行有附属机构国际金融公司 (IFC) 和国际开发协会 (IDA),它们都有自己的协议条款,概述了它们的投票结构,国际金融公司和国际开发协会的投票结构与世界银行的结构类似。区域开发银行也被视为国际经济组织。亚洲开发银行是特定的区域开发银行,也是国际经济组织。然而,公众对这些组织的看法还没有得到充分研究。所有国家都有权通过适当的国际组织充分、有效地参与有关世界经济、金融和货币问题的国际决策过程。因此,发展中国家需要更多地参与国际金融和发展机构的决策过程。


1995年元旦成立的世界贸易组织(WTO)取代了前关税及贸易总协定等国际经济组织( GATT)以多种方式影响全球贸易政策。世贸成员在大会上作为缔约方,做出与全球贸易政策相关的大部分决定。1959 年成立了一个称为关贸总协定理事会的执行机构,以在不召开所有缔约方会议的情况下处理越来越多的贸易决策。关贸总协定理事会对贸易相关事项进行投票,所有投票均同等计数,需要与缔约方采取行动所需的相同多数票。国际经济组织通过世贸组织等协议影响全球贸易政策。全球贸易政策受国际经济组织影响的一个重要方面是最惠国待遇,它要求一国的进口商品受到与其他国家相同的待遇。然而,贸易问题太重要了,不能由多数投票决定并由其成员进行谈判。世界贸易作为一个国际经济组织,通过其缔约方和关贸总协定理事会,并通过制定最惠国待遇标准,在影响全球贸易政策方面发挥着重要作用。


国际经济组织旨在促进经济增长、稳定和国家间合作。与任何机构一样,它们的存在既有优点也有缺点。国际经济组织,如世界贸易组织和国际货币基金组织, 对国家市场结构和产品、品种、质量产生重大影响。为了更好地了解这些组织的影响力,评估它们的公众舆论非常重要。然而,由于影响全球经济演变的因素众多,很难辨别这些组织对全球经济有多大影响力[14]。然而,有一点是明确的,那就是这些组织在世界经济事务中拥有巨大的权力,并且经常因此受到严厉批评。尽管现有国际机构已经取得了重要进展,但它们的发展和实施较少归功于民族国家,而更多地归功于为影响它们而形成的金融机构和民间社会网络[4]。非政府组织(NGO)在影响国际经济组织方面也发挥着重要作用。事实上,非政府组织一直在影响全球经济,并且在当今世界仍然如此 。随着研究继续,探讨这些组织对投资者信心的作用,重要的是要考虑这些组织及其成员可能影响第三方的许多不同方面。



政府通过其宏观经济政策对全球经济产生重大影响。众所周知,党派政府尤其会影响宏观经济管理的模式。为了应对 20 世纪 70 年代的经济放缓,经合组织各国政府采取了不同的货币和财政政策 。虽然保守派政府赞成紧缩的货币政策和财政纪律,但社会主义内阁却拥护需求管理政策。然而,金融自由化导致宏观经济政策中党派和机构主导差异的减少。党派政府对世界经济的影响随着时间的推移而变化,并取决于经济状况、金融自由化和现行汇率制度。政府在全球规则制定中也发挥着至关重要的作用,因为他们意识到自己往往缺乏资源和专业知识来处理日益复杂的监管任务。因此,在过去的几十年里,各国政府将广泛的监管权力下放给国际私营部门组织。规则制定的国际化和私有化是由全球市场共同规则的经济效益推动的。政府控制也会影响利率,正如社会主义政府控制的情况一样。此外,央行独立性在货币政策管理中发挥着至关重要的作用。因此,了解全球标准的制定方式对于希望进入世界市场的公民、政府和企业非常重要。政策制定的开放经济模型可用于审查政府对世界经济的影响。


国家贸易政策对全球贸易的影响是一个令研究人员着迷的复杂问题。几十年来。民族国家已经制定了国际经济活动的监管框架,政府在组织国内和国际经济活动中的作用仍然是人们感兴趣的话题。面对全球化的加剧,各国政府有责任保护其公民的经济福利,并寻求作为资本主义市场经济体充分参与世界经济。一些研究人员创建了世界经济模型来分析预算赤字和政府支出对全球贸易率的影响。世界经济在不断变化,学者们一直在争论这些变化是否代表了根本性转变,或者仅仅是现有趋势的演变。经济放缓、从促进增长政策转向抗通胀政策以及其他因素都可能影响全球贸易率。各国政府已将监管权授予国际私营部门组织,以促进全球市场的共同规则,承认此类规则的经济效益,同时也承认政府干预全球经济的局限性。学者们试图了解不同的政治经济策略如何影响全球贸易率,探讨社团主义和左翼政府的政策等主题。对地方、国家、国际和全球环境问题的研究也已 阐述贸易政策与全球经济活动之间复杂的相互作用。


近年来,在全球化世界中协调各国经济政策的挑战日益明显。民族国家已经为国际经济活动建立了监管框架,该框架是根据政府对全球经济变化的反应而形成的。特拉维夫大学和国家经济研究局开发了一个世界经济模型,分析预算赤字和政府支出对全球利率的影响。民族国家在当代世界经济中的作用仍然是一个令人感兴趣的话题,特别是它们在组织国内和国际经济活动中的作用。面对日益全球化,各国政府的任务是确保其公民的经济福利,这需要作为资本主义市场经济体充分参与世界经济。尽管如此,关于如何以对所有国家都有利的方式协调国家经济政策的争论仍在继续。一些人认为,世界经济并没有发生变化,而是一直充满活力,并随着时间的推移不断发展。其他人则指出了经济低迷和增长缓慢的特定历史时期,例如 20 世纪 90 年代日本、欧洲和美国的经济衰退 。各国政府将相当大的监管权力下放给国际私营部门组织,这不仅是因为全球市场共同规则的经济利益,而且还因为认识到政府干预可能会适得其反。最后,比较政治经济学文献提供了对结果的全球解释,概述了哪些政治经济策略区分了左翼政府和法团主义。显然,协调国家经济政策是一项复杂的任务,需要仔细考虑国内和国际因素。关于地方、国家、国际和全球经济问题的讨论仍在继续,许多政府和组织积极参与寻找这些挑战的解决方案。





国际政治冲突的经济后果是多方面的,超越了经典框架中传统的假设[5]。战前的发展水平在冲突的经济影响中发挥着至关重要的作用,发达国家和一些发展中国家经历了战争的短期成本和长期利益。相比之下,对于一些发展中国家和最不发达国家来说,即使有大量外部援助,战争的后果也可能是永久性的,并导致长期衰退。最发达的交战方有能力在一代人的时间内从巨大的破坏中恢复过来,而最不发达的社会则遭受最严重的影响,并可能陷入持久的贫困陷阱。人口和经济从战争后果中恢复的时间比战争实际发动的时间要长得多。此外,欠发达的交战方只能恢复部分战前的表现,外援往往不能有效地促进恢复,除非援助规模大且持续。根据 1980 年之前的经典文献,战争会导致生产要素的错配和增长水平的下降,从而导致毁灭性的经济后果。 从战争中恢复也取决于战后的外国援助,如果没有外国援助,国家可能无法恢复战前的表现。战争损失对发展中社会产生长期影响,许多社会正在努力从战争损失中恢复过来,而畸形群体则继续周期性地遭受损失。因此,系统地分析复苏模式对于了解外援对国家建设的影响以及战争对人口生产力和经济复苏的影响至关重要。









回头看斯佩罗和哈特撰写的《国际经济关系政治》探讨了国际政治与世界经济之间的关系[2]约翰·罗布 (John Robb) 的书《勇敢的新战争:恐怖主义的下一阶段和全球化的终结》和莫伊塞斯·纳伊姆 (Moises Naim) 的书《非法:走私者、贩运者和模仿者如何劫持全球经济》[3] 也可能为这些未来提供进一步的见解挑战和机遇。其中一些挑战可能包括新的全球大国的出现、气候变化和日益加剧的经济两极分化。技术进步、全球合作和可持续发展努力可能会带来机遇。无论如何,政策制定者必须预测并应对这些挑战,并在出现这些机遇时加以利用。最终,国际政治和世界经济的未来将取决于我们如何有效地应对这些挑战并抓住这些机遇。


作者:哈佛学者 李锦维博士 20230825


The impact of international politics on the world economy


International politics and world economy are two interdependent and mutually influencing systems. The relationship between the two systems is complex because political events and economic policies have the potential to affect global trade, investment and financial flows. The purpose of this research paper is to study the impact of international politics on the world economy by exploring the various factors that affect this relationship. This article will discuss the role of international economic organizations in formulating global trade policy, the influence of governments on the world economy, the impact of international political conflicts on the global economy, and the underlying trends and challenges that international politics and the world economy may face. By analyzing these factors, this paper aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of international politics on the world economy and its future implications.

Overview of International Politics and World Economy

What is the relationship between international politics and the world economy?

The global economy and international politics are closely linked and have complex relationships. Economic policy is formulated in the context of globalization, and it is necessary to think critically about it in order to understand the interplay between domestic and international politics in the global economy. Both state and non-state actors pursue wealth and power in the global economy. The global economy can be viewed as a political competition with winners and losers, heavily influenced by great power competition. This interdependence can lead to weaponized interdependence, which can play a role in great power competition and its impact on the world economy[1]. The Politics of International Economic Relations by Spero and Hart explores the relationship between international politics and the world economy [2]. Coverage of political-economic relations has intensified since the end of the Cold War, and Moises Naeem's book Illegal : How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats Hijack the Global Economy explores smugglers, traffickers and copycats How terrorists are hijacking the global economy, while John Robb's Brave New War: The Next Phase of Terrorism and the End of Globalization discusses the next phase of terrorism and the end of globalization, hinting at the ties and the world economy [3]. Understanding the relationship between international politics and the world economy is therefore crucial to understanding the dynamics of a globalized world.

How do international political events affect the world economy?

International political events have a major impact on the world economy. The field of international political economy studies the relationship between global politics and world economy, focusing on the impact of globalization crises on world politics and world economy. International trade is recognized as an important factor in promoting global economic welfare. However, the impact of political events on the world economy is not limited to trade. For example, a World Bank report identified global value chains (GVCs) as a central feature of the international political economy, emphasizing their importance in shaping the post-2008 world economy. The relative importance of politicians and political institutions is another aspect that affects international political economy. To understand the relationship between international politics and the world economy, it is necessary to examine global events and their wider context, including great power competition, polarization in developing countries, and economic decline in centrally planned economies. The changing contemporary world of states is another topic of discussion in the field. By studying international political events and their impact on the world economy, we can better understand how global events affect our daily lives.

How does global trade affect international politics and the world economy?

Global trade has a major impact on international politics and the world economy. The current phase of the world economy, neoliberal capitalism, has shaped global politics and world trade. The importance of international relations in everyday life is undeniable, and it examines not only relations between nations, but also the wider context of global events and problems. International political economy has emerged as a new field of study that highlights the political dimension of the world economy. Furthermore, the introduction of steam power in the first half of the nineteenth century revolutionized global trade and enabled greater mobility and exchange of goods. In today's era, the global value chain has become the core feature of the international political economy. Global value chains enable firms to decompose their production processes and distribute them across countries, leading to increased interdependence between countries and firms. The impact of international trade on the world economy is undeniable, and most experts agree that it enhances global economic welfare. However, the relative importance of politicians and political institutions in shaping trade policy cannot be overlooked. Understanding the politics of the world economy is crucial for policymakers and academics as it leads to a better understanding of how international trade affects international politics and the global economy as a whole.

International Economic Organizations and Their Influence

What are the main international economic organizations?

International economic organizations are intergovernmental bodies designed to manage economic, financial and monetary relations between countries. International trade is one of the most important issues that directly affect the economic relations between countries. Governments created specialized international organizations to regulate the growing economic ties between nations. This approach to international problems through permanent specialized agencies is likely to continue. Since World War II, the number of international economic organizations has increased significantly. The main international economic organizations are the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. These organizations have their own rules and regulations to govern their operations. The effectiveness of these organizations depends on the respect of their members and their adherence to organizational decisions. Thus, the manner in which decisions are made within these organizations has a direct and immediate impact on members' adherence to decisions. For example, the World Bank has affiliates the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Development Association (IDA), both of which have their own Articles of Agreement outlining their voting structures, which differ from those of the World Bank structure is similar . Regional development banks are also considered international economic organizations. The Asian Development Bank is a specific regional development bank and an international economic organization. However, public perception of these organizations has not been fully researched. All countries have the right to participate fully and effectively in international decision-making processes concerning world economic, financial and monetary issues through appropriate international organizations. Therefore, developing countries need to be more involved in the decision-making processes of international financial and development institutions.

How do international economic organizations influence global trade policy?

(WTO ), established on New Year's Day in 1995, replaced international economic organizations such as the former General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to influence global trade policy in many ways. WTO members act as contracting parties at the General Assembly and make most of the decisions related to global trade policy. An executive body called the GATT Council was created in 1959 to handle an increasing number of trade decisions without meeting all the parties. The GATT Council votes on trade-related matters, and all votes are counted equally, requiring the same majority as is required by the parties to act. International economic organizations influence global trade policy through agreements such as the WTO. An important aspect of global trade policy influenced by international economic organizations is most-favored-nation status, which requires a country's imports to be treated the same as other countries. However, trade issues are too important to be decided by a majority vote and negotiated by its members. World Trade, as an international economic organization, plays an important role in influencing global trade policy through its contracting parties and the GATT Council, and by setting standards for most-favored-nation treatment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of international economic organizations?

International economic organization aimed at promoting economic growth, stability and cooperation among nations. As with any institution, their existence has both advantages and disadvantages. International economic organizations, such as the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund, have a major impact on national market structures and products, varieties, and quality. To better understand the influence of these organizations, it is important to assess their public opinion. However , it is difficult to discern how influential these organizations are on the global economy due to the multitude of factors that affect the evolution of the global economy [14]. What is clear, however, is that these organizations wield enormous power in world economic affairs and are often heavily criticized for it. Although important advances have been made by existing international institutions, their development and implementation owes less to nation-states and more to the financial institutions and civil society networks formed to influence them [4] . Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also play an important role in influencing international economic organization. In fact , NGOs have always influenced the global economy and still do so in today's world. As research continues to explore the role of these organizations on investor confidence, it is important to consider the many different ways in which these organizations and their members may influence third parties.

The role of government in the world economy

How do governments affect the world economy?

Governments have a significant impact on the global economy through their macroeconomic policies. Partisan governments in particular are known to influence patterns of macroeconomic management. In response to the economic slowdown of the 1970s, OECD governments adopted different monetary and fiscal policies. While the conservative government favored tight monetary policy and fiscal discipline, the socialist cabinet embraced demand management policies. However, financial liberalization has led to a reduction in partisan and agency-led differences in macroeconomic policy. The influence of partisan governments on the world economy varies over time and depends on economic conditions, financial liberalization, and prevailing exchange rate regimes. Governments also play a critical role in global rule- making , as they realize they often lack the resources and expertise to handle increasingly complex regulatory tasks. Consequently, over the past few decades, governments have delegated broad regulatory powers to international private sector organizations. The internationalization and privatization of rule-making is driven by the economics of common rules in global markets. Government control also affects interest rates, as is the case with socialist government control. Furthermore, central bank independence plays a crucial role in the management of monetary policy. Therefore, understanding how global standards are developed is important for citizens, governments and businesses looking to gain access to world markets. An open-economy model of policymaking can be used to examine the impact of governments on the world economy.

How do national trade policies affect global trade?

The impact of national trade policies on global trade is a complex issue that fascinates researchers. for decades. Nation-states have developed the regulatory framework for international economic activity, and the role of governments in organizing domestic and international economic activity remains a topic of interest. In the face of increased globalization, governments have a responsibility to protect the economic welfare of their citizens and seek to participate fully in the world economy as capitalist market economies. Some researchers have created world economic models to analyze the impact of budget deficits and government spending on global trade rates. The world economy is constantly changing, and scholars have debated whether these changes represent fundamental shifts, or simply the evolution of existing trends. A slowing economy, a shift from pro-growth to anti-inflationary policies, and other factors could affect global trade rates. Governments have delegated regulatory powers to international private sector organizations to promote common rules in global markets, recognizing the economic benefits of such rules while acknowledging the limits of government intervention in the global economy. Scholars have sought to understand how different political-economic strategies affect global trade rates, exploring topics such as corporatism and the policies of left-wing governments. Research on local, national, international and global environmental issues has also illuminated the complex interplay between trade policy and global economic activity.

What are the challenges of coordinating national economic policies in a globalized world?

The challenge of coordinating national economic policies in a globalized world has become increasingly apparent in recent years. Nation-states have established a regulatory framework for international economic activity that is shaped by governments' responses to changes in the global economy. Tel Aviv University and the National Bureau of Economic Research developed a world economic model that analyzes the impact of budget deficits and government spending on global interest rates. The role of nation-states in the contemporary world economy remains a topic of interest, particularly their role in organizing domestic and international economic activity. In the face of increasing globalization, governments are tasked with ensuring the economic well-being of their citizens, which requires full participation in the world economy as capitalist market economies. Nonetheless, the debate continues on how to coordinate national economic policy in a way that benefits all countries. Some argue that the world economy has not changed but has remained dynamic and developed over time. Others point to specific historical periods of economic downturn and slow growth, such as the recessions of the 1990s in Japan, Europe and the United States. Governments have delegated considerable regulatory powers to international private sector organizations not only because of the economic interest in common rules in global markets, but also because of the recognition that government intervention can be counterproductive. Finally, the comparative political economy literature provides a global interpretation of the results, outlining which political-economic strategies differentiate left-wing government from corporatism. Clearly, coordinating national economic policies is a complex task that requires careful consideration of domestic and international factors. Discussions on local, national, international and global economic issues continue, with many governments and organizations actively involved in finding solutions to these challenges.

International political conflicts and their economic consequences

How do international political conflicts affect the world economy?

When it comes to the impact of international political conflicts on the world economy, the effects can be far-reaching and complex. For example, international processes and political decisions may have significant political influence on certain governments, such as the United States, but that does not necessarily translate into economic influence. Second, international markets can undermine French foreign policy, especially in terms of protecting domestic industry and employment. However, it is worth noting that the comparative study of foreign economic policies requires a correct perspective in order to draw accurate conclusions on the impact of international political conflicts on the world economy. Moreover, U.S. foreign economic policy has often been criticized for being inconsistent compared with the more protectionist policies of France and other countries. Ultimately, the complex interplay between international politics and the global economy makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about the overall impact of political conflict on the world economy.

What are the economic consequences of international political conflict?

The economic consequences of international political conflicts are multifaceted and go beyond traditional assumptions in classical frameworks [5]. Pre-war levels of development play a crucial role in the economic impact of conflict, with developed and some developing countries experiencing the short-term costs and long-term benefits of war. In contrast, for some developing and least developed countries, even with substantial external aid, the consequences of war can be permanent and lead to long-term recession. The most developed belligerents are capable of recovering from the massive devastation within a generation, while the least developed societies suffer the most and may fall into a persistent poverty trap. Populations and economies take much longer to recover from the aftermath of war than it takes for the war to actually start. In addition, less developed belligerents can only recover part of their pre-war performance, and foreign aid is often ineffective in promoting recovery unless it is large and sustained. According to the classic literature before 1980, wars lead to misallocation of factors of production and lower levels of growth, leading to devastating economic consequences. Recovery from war also depends on post-war foreign aid, without which the country may not be able to return to pre-war performance. War losses have long-lasting effects on developing societies, and many societies are struggling to recover from war losses, while deformed groups continue to suffer periodically. Systematic analysis of recovery patterns is therefore critical to understanding the effects of foreign aid on state building and the impact of war on population productivity and economic recovery.

What are some examples of international political conflicts affecting the world economy?

International political conflicts can have a major impact on the world economy. For example, the trade war policy dynamics launched by former U.S. President Donald Trump have had global ramifications, allowing many countries to form their own views on contentious issues and potentially having unforeseen side effects on the domestic and global economies. Furthermore, while there is no single, simple model for how international political factors affect trade flows, economic agents often apply a common logic in their decision-making processes. The shift from military to economic issues in international politics has not been accompanied by a corresponding shift in foreign economic policy, which can have major international implications for trade and the global economy. Furthermore, the global impact of ongoing geographic change is studied in the context of the role of geographic organization in the global political economy, emphasizing how international economic issues are influenced by geographic factors. Overall, individuals must think critically and independently about key issues of global politics, including economic conflict, to better understand their impact on the world economy and international relations.

Future implications for international politics and the world economy

What are the potential trends in international politics and the world economy in the future?

Looking ahead to the future of international politics and the world economy, weaponized interdependence has the potential to become a prominent factor in global affairs. This refers to the fact that countries can become so economically intertwined that they are able to use their economic ties as a form of leverage, or even a weapon in political disputes. The potential impact on the global economy of the weaponized concept of interdependence that may play out in great power competition is a trend to watch. In addition, the impact of great power competition on the global economy is another underlying trend that will determine the future of international politics and the world economy. As countries vie for status and influence, they may pursue policies that could have knock-on effects on the global economy, such as trade wars, currency manipulation and other forms of economic coercion. The long-term implications of this rivalry could be significant and far-reaching. Therefore, policymakers, economists, and international relations experts must closely monitor these trends and develop strategies to mitigate any potential negative effects.

How will future technological advances affect the world economy?

As the world economy continues to evolve, how will new technological advancements affect the world economy? Technological advances are bound to upend the current economic landscape. One of the main factors affecting future economic growth is the ongoing power shift between China and the United States. Despite the dominance of the United States in the world economy, there are signs that China's future economic growth may propel it to become a global economic leader[6]. Technological advances have the potential to further accelerate economic growth, raising questions about the future impact on global trade and commerce. Scholars have begun to explore the potential impact of globalization on world politics and the creation of a global political community. However, as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, there is a growing need to address the security implications of an illicit global economy. The phenomenon of international trade raises not only economic problems but also political and social consequences that must be addressed. Scholars must therefore consider how these changes will affect domestic and international political processes. While technological advances offer exciting opportunities for growth and innovation, it is crucial that we also carefully consider their potential impact on future economic stability and security.

What potential challenges and opportunities will international politics and the world economy face in the future?

Looking back at The Politics of International Economic Relations by Spero and Hart, which explores the relationship between international politics and the world economy [2] John Robb's book Brave New War: The Underworld of Terrorism Phase One and the End of Globalization” and Moises Naim ’s book Illegal: How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats Hijack the Global Economy[3] may also provide further insight into these futures. Insights into challenges and opportunities. Some of these challenges may include the emergence of new global powers, climate change and growing economic polarization. Opportunities may arise from technological advances, global cooperation and sustainable development efforts. In any case, policymakers must anticipate and respond to these challenges and capitalize on these opportunities as they arise. Ultimately, the future of international politics and the world economy will depend on how effectively we address these challenges and seize these opportunities.

The impact of international politics on the world economy is a complex and multifaceted relationship to global welfare. The abstract of the research paper highlights the interdependence between international politics and the world economy, with events in international politics having a profound impact on economic growth and stability. The field of international political economy has emerged as a new field of study emphasizing the political dimension of the world economy. Major international economic organizations such as the IMF, World Bank and WTO play a vital role in managing the economic, financial and monetary relations between countries. The continuous de-risking cooperation between China and the United States, coupled with mutual challenges and competition, are the main factors affecting future economic growth and shaping global politics and world trade. The discussion of the research paper highlights the need to understand the relationship between international politics and the world economy, as it leads to a better understanding of how global events affect our daily lives. Discussions also highlighted the need to address the security implications of the global illicit economy as the world becomes increasingly interconnected. Limitations of research papers include potential biases and weaknesses that could affect research findings. Future research directions should focus on examining how technological advances will affect global trade and commerce, and how policymakers can use open-economy decision-making models to examine the impact of governments on the world economy. Overall, a better understanding of the relationship between international politics and the world economy is crucial for policymakers and scholars, as it leads to a better understanding of how international trade affects international politics and the global economy.



The author is an international relations expert and a Harvard scholar

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